Weekly Conversational Theme

Noun: weekly weeklee
A periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)

Adjective: conversational 'konvur'seyshunul
Characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation

Noun: theme theem
The subject matter of a conversation or discussion

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Golds Gym

Core Rhythms

Tag Words
Lee Haney

Your Idiom
"get loose"
Don't be afraid to speak English, get loose and have fun.

Ask DJ: Favorite Halloween costumes.
Mini Quiz
What is "volleyball"?
1. a game where players have to hit a ball over a high net
2. a game where players have to spin a bottle
3. a game where players must wear dresses
4. a game where players must drink beer

Basic Instructions By Scott Meyer