Weekly Conversational Theme

Noun: weekly weeklee
A periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)

Adjective: conversational 'konvur'seyshunul
Characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation

Noun: theme theem
The subject matter of a conversation or discussion

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do it yourself "DIY"

DIY Vampire Fangs for Halloween

Tag Words


Your Idiom
"from the stand point of"
Try to see the disagreement from the stand point of your neighbor.

Ask DJ: Whats DIY have you done.
Mini Quiz
Choose the correct answer. "Ingredients" means
1. instructions on how to prepare a dish
2. tools used to prepare a dish
3 a specific method of cooking
4. food used to prepare a dish

Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer