Weekly Conversational Theme

Noun: weekly weeklee
A periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)

Adjective: conversational 'konvur'seyshunul
Characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation

Noun: theme theem
The subject matter of a conversation or discussion

Monday, August 25, 2008

American Football

American Football

Bloopers are shown in the video above

Tag Words
NFL National Football League
Forward pass
Wide receiver

Your Idiom
"On your guard"
Be on your guard against pickpockets, Ken.

Ask Dj: What's "look out for number one."
Mini Quiz
What is a "beer belly"?
1. the belly of a chicken
2. a cask of beer
3. pig's innards
4. a protruding abdomen

Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer