Weekly Conversational Theme

Noun: weekly weeklee
A periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)

Adjective: conversational 'konvur'seyshunul
Characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation

Noun: theme theem
The subject matter of a conversation or discussion

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Age

The Secret

Tag Words

Laws of Attraction

Your Idiom
"switch off"
Be sure to switch off the light before you leave the house.

Ask DJ: Whats a sales pitch
Mini Quiz
Choose the correct answer. "Brilliant" means:
1. bad
2. small
3. wonderful
4. not smart

Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ocean Ecology

Ocean Ecology

The Blue Planet - Deep Sea Pt.1

Tag Words

Your Idiom
"to my hearts content"
I could go on studying to my hearts content

Ask DJ: What is a Megalodon
Mini Quiz
"Road trip" means:
1. a trip by foot
2. a long vacation
3. a trip by car
4. a stressful travel experience

Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Egyptians Cuisine

Egyptian Cuisine

Tag Words
Ruzz Ahmar/rice and onion
Shish kabob
Louvia/black-eyed pea soup

Your Idiom
"Beyond one's reach"
But the thing I wanted most to do was beyond my reach.

Ask Dj: How do you talk to Tech support.
Mini Quiz
What is "electricity"?
1. cartoon characters
2. electric current used as a form of energy
3. an electric kettle
4. psychic phenomenon

Baldo by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos